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Puntuació mitjana 779 Ressenyes
adeline raussou ha valorat a Google

Excellent restaurant

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Ruiz ha valorat a Google

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Jorge Bretones Santamarina ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) A great Zhejiang Chinese food restaurant. Whenzou is a city in the region, located south of Shanghai, where the owner comes from. One of the specialties is the fried rice with vegetables and homemade salty bacon, very typical of the area and with a lot of "wok hey" (鑊氣). I also recommend the yu xiang eggplants, which melt in the mouth when eaten. The grilled pork baozi are the most authentic in Paris for an unbeatable price of less than 2 euros. The Chinese dumplings grilled pork with ginger are also a good option, as are the wok-fried meat or seafood dishes. Today we tried the stewed mushrooms with pork, with a soy sauce, Shaoxing, star anise... typical Zhejiang flavors. The average price is 10 euros per person a la carte, which makes it an ideal restaurant to try authentic Chinese street food with a lot of wok flavor! (Original) Un gran restaurante de comida china de Zhejiang. Whenzou es una ciudad de la región, situada al sur de Shanghai, de donde viene el dueño. Una de las especialidades es el arroz frito con verdura y panceta salada casera, muy típico de la zona y con mucho "wok hey" (鑊氣). También recomiendo las berenjenas yu xiang, que se funden en la boca al comerlas. Los baozi de cerdo a la plancha son los más auténticos de París por un precio imbatible a menos de 2 euros. Las empanadillas chinas a la plancha de cerdo con jengibre son también una buena opción, así como los platos de carne o marisco salteados al wok. Hoy hemos probado los hongos guisados con cerdo, con una salsa de soja, Shaoxing, anís estrellado... típicos sabores de Zhejiang. El precio medio es de 10 euros por persona a la carta, lo que lo convierte en un restaurante ideal para probar la auténtica comida china street food con mucho sabor a wok!

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in noctem ha valorat a Google

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Gaofei Shen ha valorat a Google


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Melissa Bonneville ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Excellent very nice find (Original) Excellent très belle découverte

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FRANCOIS XAVIER ROBERT ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Best Chinese canteen in Belleville! Ravioli, pork buns, fried rice, eggplant with soy sauce… everything is good and homemade. (Original) Meilleure cantine Chinoise de Belleville ! Raviolis, brioches au porc, riz sauté, aubergine sauce soja…tout est bon et fait maison.

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Violaine Baron ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Traditional dishes full of flavor, a warm welcome and a friendly atmosphere! A restaurant to try! (Original) Des plats traditionnels plein de saveur, un accueil chaleureux et une ambiance conviviale! Un restaurant à tester!

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Alexia Sysavath ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Hot ravioli!!! (Original) Raviolis canons !!!

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Agathe Vincent ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Some dishes are better than others, prices are reasonable. (Original) Certains plats sont meilleurs que d’autres, les prix sont raisonnables.

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Chez Alex WenZhou© 2024
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75020 Paris, France

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